Sunday, November 4, 2012

New Beginnings

        Writing a new song is always a time consuming task. Much less writing an entire album. The album we wrote nearly took us 2 years to finish while working part time and going to school full time. I've always enjoyed the writing process of the music a lot more than the live side. When you record a song, you can live in the comforts of your own studio and take your time creating new ideas and concepts. However, when it comes down to a show you are always pushed for time and hoping people show up. As a result studio time has become one of my favorite times of the year. As a tradition, I usually spend a majority of my winter break recording and mixing for days on end. It has always been my favorite tradition of years past. For some reason the seasons have a way of inspiring creativity in ways that ordinary life can't.
         Lately, we have been working on a few new concepts for a new album. The overall theme has yet to be determined however. Some of the songs we've been working on span across many different genres from indie to heavy electronica. This makes it really hard to come up with a theme when your thoughts appear to be entirely random on a day to day basis.
        One of the concepts we have been working on lately is the idea of using a less produced sound. Perhaps, bring in a little of the vintage feel into our recordings. For some reason I always seem to have an attraction to songs that sound like they were recorded in someone's garage. As a result we've been playing around with a few different types of sounds. One of the song we've been working on reminds me of something "The Cranberries" would have made. It has that raw 90s rock vibe that I've always greatly enjoyed. One thing that I've learned about song writing is that you are often never writing the song. A good song writes itself. This idea has played true for every song I've ever had the chance to be apart of.


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