Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lead Parachute

Sometimes when writing new songs the most inspiring moments are not necessarily when things are going wrong. More simply put, it is usually when things are the most busy and have no time to write those ideas down. Usually I will totally forget them until I randomly decide to sit down at a piano and miraculously remember. This new song I'm working on is one of those occasions. The song is titled "Lead Parachute". The idea behind the name is a metaphor. The mood of the song is very parallel to what Ive been feeling lately. The term "Lead Parachute" refers to the idea of a safety device that is no longer keeping you up in the air. Rather it has decided to bring you down to die. The lyrics for this song are still a work in progress. Which is mainly why the song is just a work in progress right now. Its still not even close to being finished. Anyways. Hopefully you enjoy it.


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