Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dreams - Track by Track

Today I decided to talk a little bit about our album, "Dreams". There were many things that went into making this album possible. It took us roughly a year, and a half to write/record it from start to finish.  For this reason, I want to do a little track by track summery of what each song is about. To listen to our album on iTunes go to:
1. Beyond the Stars.
This song was meant to be the introduction and set the mood for the entire album. The concept we were going for was something very surreal and angelic. We wanted the beginning track to take your mind off what you're doing that way you would be ready for the rest of the album.

2. The Places You Belong.
This probably one of the most electronic tracks that we wrote for the album. The idea behind the lyrics is dealing with the idea of not knowing where you belong. It talks about how people forcing relationships just so they aren't left behind.

3. Tonight.
Tonight is the most emotional of all the tracks written for the album. It was actually written directly for a girl, and the rest is kind of self explanatory. The message in the song is really straight forward and yet has a hidden message at the same time. It's one of our personal favorites that we made for the album.

4. Closer.
Closer is about feeling far away emotionally and physically. It has to do with the world continuing on, yet at the same time it feels like everything is coming to a close. This song  has a really strong driving bass line during the choruses which gives it that electronic feel. We also decided to use some over tone strings in the background to kind of give it a theatrical sound.

5. One Last Step
This song is probably one of the most synthesizer heavy tracks on the album. We layered a ton of keyboards on this one to give a very dark heavy feel. The idea behind the lyrics talk about a break up with a person that you were in love with. The lyrics are kind of contradictory in nature which kind of adds a interesting twist to the song.

6. Clocks
Clocks was the last song written for the album. We actually decided to use some guitar for once on this track since we barely had any guitar in any of our other songs. The lyrics in this song talk about relationship in which the girl wouldn't commit because she thought the guy wasn't "exactly" what she was looking for.

7. Our Futures
This song is actually written about hurricane victims from Hurricane Irene that lost their homes and families. This song talks about a family coming closer together even though they lost everything in the wreckage.

8. Dreams
Dreams is very spacious instrumental track. We wrote this track with the concept of creating a landscape of a different world. The first thought that came to my mind when we wrote this was a futuristic train in the clouds. Which for the most part, is what it sounds like.

9. My Symphony For You
My Symphony For You is a track based around the idea of nothing stopping you. We wanted to make a song that when you listen to it, you feel inspired to just go out and do what you always wanted to do.

10.  Sometimes.
Sometimes is the third instrumental track on the album. This song actually pays homage to our EP Bottle Rocket that we released a year ago. It has a very similar electronic sound that we always loved from our older music. We decided last minute that we didn't want to add lyrics to it, because we felt this song spoke for itself.

11. Life.
This is hands down the happiest song on the album. The lyrics of the chorus really sum up what the song is entirely about. It says, " Life is only as good as you make it". This song was also the first song that we got played on the radio. It was featured on 96.3 WDVD and we also did an interview on the radio as well.

12. Something Real
Something Real is all about wanting to feel something real for once. Everything in life is so often fake that we lose site when we actually see something real. The chorus for this song ended up being really random. To this day we are not sure why it says, "Say my name." I guess you can decipher that yourself.

13. Snow Dweller
Last but not least, Snow Dweller is possibly the most chilled out song on the entire album. It was meant to be a song that you could just sit down and relax to. The actual structure of the song is really simplistic and builds on repetition. 

1 comment:

  1. James, I love your cover photo! You did a great job with the editing!! It seems that you spend a lot of time writing all your blog posts... keep up the great work (:
