Saturday, November 17, 2012

Road Blocks

     Writing and recording new tracks often takes a lot of time. Lately we've had numerous road blocks that have been preventing us from writing and recording new material as often as we'd like. The first road block would have to be school. According to the world, when it all comes down to it. A college degree is one of the most important things you can get for your career. Sometimes, this is a double edged sword. At one side, you really want to finish and do a good job, but at the same time you have all of these songs just sitting waiting to be finished. Not to mention, I'm already working at my dream job. So at this point, I'm really just getting a degree to simply just "get one". Not only does school take up nearly all of my free time, but working 30+ hours a week really kills all the rest of my time. If you throw on a pretty crazy social life on top of that I can basically tell you that I have no life. To be honest, I can't really complain, since I generally like being ridiculously busy.

      Sooo back to music. The plan is that hopefully before January we might have two new songs finished entirely. The album that we are currently working on is probably not going to be done till next Fall 2013 to be totally honest. At least unless something gives way. Currently with the amount of stuff going on Neobrite stuff has kind of taken a back seat. Which to me is fine, since this allows me to regain my thoughts and focus on new ideas. Ultimately this will lead to a better album, it just might take a heck of a lot longer.

- James

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