Monday, October 15, 2012

Preparations for Halloween

        This past week we started the preparations for our next upcoming show. Its been a goal of ours to play a Halloween show for years. After looking at different venues that we had previously played at we decided to book it at the Premier Concert Theater in New Baltimore on the 26th of October. There is a lot of planning that goes into a Neobrite show. Which is one of the many reasons we don't play shows very often.
       If you've never seen us play live before and are currently wondering, "How in earth can two guys can play this stuff live?" You are not alone. Over the years we've seemed to come up with a system that works pretty well even though we are short a couple musicians. Usually when we play live its always a safe bet to see Brandon surrounded by keyboards. The reason we do this is because 90% of our music is made on the synthesizer. If you don't know what a synthesizer is I suggest you "Google" it before reading any farther. Anyways, when it comes time for shows we end up programming all the sounds Brandon needs for each song on his keyboards. That way he can just flip through them as we go song to song. Usually when we do this it I will generally write out a spreadsheet of what we need for each sound on each keyboard. Then after we do that we will review the sounds and edit them to match the ones played in our recordings. It usually takes us about a whole night for us to go through all of the keyboards and edit the patches. 
James' Setup
      Now that we've talked a little about Brandon's setup, lets talk about my setup. When we play live there are 4 parts that I do: First being the vocals, second the guitar, third the effects/submixer table, and fourth being my synth. Basically I fill in all the parts that a keyboard can't play. That's really as simple as I can put it without going really technical. Now you may wonder, "who plays the drums?" The answer for that is a computer. Before we even start up practices we spend a day or two programming our entire drums into a file so that we can play it in the background live. Its not exactly the "coolest" way to play live drums but, after years of trying to get a good enough drummer that would play to click tracks its all we could get for the time being. Not to mention it's never off tempo or messes it. You can't really beat that. All in all, that is a really basic idea of what we go through to get ready for a show. Hopefully, we'll get to see some of you guys on the 26th!

To listen to some of our tracks go to our: Facebook

- James

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